New Year's resolutions for students in 2016

Do your bit for the environment by saving on electricity, water and energy around your accommodation! With some simple steps it’s easy for you to start being more efficient in all of these areas, and what’s more; you’ll no doubt start feeling better about yourself by not being wasteful! Take a look at our Green Guide for detailed tips and advice on being green.
We know how difficult it is to keep fit! But if you’ve got enough dedication, we believe you can keep it up for longer than just a week or two in January! If you’re living with us in Preston or at Marybone Student Village in Liverpool, you’ll be able to take advantage of our on-site gyms. If not, you can either look into joining a cheap local gym or do some research into how you can keep fit without a gym membership. These gym-free exercises from the NHS are a great starting point.
Did you overspend during Christmas, or maybe even throughout 2015 in general? Be disciplined and start looking after your money! Check out our budgeting for students advice and you’ll still be able to treat yourself to nice things and enjoy student nights out. You should also take a look at the exclusive discounts now available to our students, thanks to our new partnership with Student Beans. Also, if you’re paying your rent in instalments, make sure you’re aware of your rent payment dates.
So if you’ve been struggling to think of your New Year’s resolutions for 2016, start considering some of the above. If your resolutions are already well underway, let us know how you’re getting on with a post on social media!